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Old Town Rock Hill, South Carolina


Freedom Walkway celebrates the efforts of the people of Rock Hill and the entire United States of America to achieve the promise of Liberty and Justice for All. At the birth of our nation, it was a founding principle that “all men are created equal” and that no person was to be deprived of “life, liberty or property without due process of law.” 


Long after the Declaration of Independence, equality of rights and opportunities remained an unrealized ideal enjoyed by only the most privileged of our citizens.  Many groups have felt the sting of injustice and marginalization while the country struggled to realize the promise of equality. Today we are closer than ever to achieving our founders’ promise of equality through the heroic works of ordinary citizens. 

As this walkway demonstrates, Rock Hill has given rise to its own heroes for justice and equality. This Walkway is dedicated as a reminder to every citizen of this community and our nation that we are guaranteed the rights and freedoms that are the foundations of the American constitutional system. 

Freedom Walkway was supported in part by the Rock Hill Economic Development Corporation's Rock Hill Designs for Rock Hill Places Initiative and the Barre Mitchell Community Initiatives Fund.

Please help support future Rock Hill Design's public art projects by making a donation to

the Barre Mitchell Community Initiatives Fund. 

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